Room 4

Room 4
Awesome Learners

Monday, 26 November 2012

Taniwha Taunt

Room13 read a book called The Terrible Taniwha of Timberditch, by Joy Cowley.  We drew our own scary Taniwha.  After doing our drawing we had to write a detailed description of our Taniwha so that another person could draw the exact same Taniwha just from reading it!

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Math Strategies

Room 13 has been reflecting on the different math strategies we know to solve problems.  We are learning to use the best strategy in order to solve the problem in the most efficient way.
Can you name the strategies we have used?  Can you use any other strategy to solve the problems?

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

QR Code Research

Our Topic this term is Under the Sea.  To engage our curiosity we used our ipod touches to read QR codes that had been set up around the senior block.  Each QR code took us to a website with relevant information, from which we had to write down 3 facts.  It was an interesting way to learn and awesome fun!