Room 4

Room 4
Awesome Learners

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Author's Visit

The senior school was so lucky to have the author Stacy Gregg come to talk to us about being a writer.  It was very interesting hearing about how she creates her ideas - from her own experiences, just like we do!  After listening to Stacy tell us about her writing process, we realised that as writers we also plan out our stories, think about our characters, setting and the plot.  We are also beginning to go back and re-craft our stories so the reader is captivated by the writing.  It is wonderful to know we are on the right path to becoming awesome authors!

Introducing Storybird Authors - Jed

Friday, 15 November 2013

Room 5 Gardening

The seniors enjoyed the beautiful weather this week and we took advantage of it and got out into the garden.  We had to put newspaper around the fejioa trees and then cover the paper with chip bark to stop those pesky weeds.  And, we had to lug topsoil over to the planting beds using buckets.  It was hot and tiring work but also lots of fun.  Our garden is slowly coming together, ka pai everyone.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Reflective Learners!

We have all been making great progress with our writing this year.  We have thought about what we are doing well and what might be the next focus for us in our writing.  Well done everyone for really thinking about your own skills and next steps.  Tino Pai!

Keep in Touch

Kia ora.  Mrs Kaye has made a QR code and placed it outside the classroom door.  When you visit us please leave us a positive comment about all the great learning you have seen in our classroom.  Just scan the QR code and it will take you to a page on our class blog.  We love hearing positive feedback!

Gardens need Plant Labels?

Room 5 has got into our inquiry this term by using our thinking skills.  We have done a Gallery Walk, looking at pictures of gardens and labels, writing down what we noticed and one question we have.

We then researched using the internet to see what type of plant labels are around and how we could make some.  Then we completed the investigating sheet of our design booklet.
Next we all did a Bus Stop activity, answering questions about gardens and plant labels.

Next week we will begin to design some of our own labels after identifying the essential features and 
start making our prototypes.  Ka pai everyone!

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Halloween Writing

Room 5 are learning to add details in their writing.  We are beginning to 'show' not 'tell' the reader.  We are using to help us do this.  Click the link below to read our book - or scan the QR code to go straight to the website to create your own book -
